Analysing Bulk Materials with apc analytics
apc analytics develops and manufactures sampling, sample processing and analyzing equipment for industrial use.
Apart from planning, producing, installing and commissioning these fully automatic samplers & analyzers, we also offer individual solutions for analytical problems.
Furthermore, apc analytics acts as a service provider and manufacturer in the fields of automation engineering, control cabinet construction and special machinery.


SOLAS is a fully automated sampling and analysing system for the rapid determination of the chemical elemental composition of bulk goods. Typical installations sites in mines, mineral industry, cement plant and power stations industry are conveyor transfers, crushers, loading stations etc.
SOLAS can work as a standalone system and together with additional (or already installed) sampling and preparation systems.
Turbo Mill
This Airmill 6000 has successfully stood its test under the rough conditions in open-cast lignite mines and in power plants 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
Equipped with the relevant accessories, it is ideal for high-speed milling in laboratories.
The turbo mill Airmill 6000 with its special milling technique will comminute the material in the air stream to powder, i.e. to an average grain size of approx. 50 µm (median value) in the case of lignite, depending on the field of application and the design.

Hammer Mills
The „large“ mill HAMILL 4000 has been designed for a mass flow of approx. 4 t/h and mills the material into grain sizes of less than 10 mm, while the „smaller“ mill HAMILL 250 has been designed for a mass flow of 250 kg/h and comminutes the material into grains sizes of less than 2 mm.
Sample Preparation System
We offer an enclosed sample preparation system with a Two Stage milling setup, two sample dividers, screw conveyor system and an additional sample divider allowing real time on the spot sample collection

Sample Bottling System
Automated bottling system which prevents samples from drying and differentiates samples based on RFID technology preparing them for further analysis
Laboratory Sample Feerer
This automated system allows storing and automatic feeding of samples to the SOLAS analyzer system. The user can define which samples should SOLAS analyze - live from moving belt or from laboratory stored in the Laboratory Sample feeder. System also comes with an easy to use operator panel

Engineering Services
We offer engineering and consulting services in following fields
analytical tasks and data analysis
sampling and sample processing
automation engineering
based on Siemens S7 System
automation visualization
based on Siemens WinCC
planning and manufacturing electrical cabinets
planning and manufacturing steel constructions (platforms, conveying equipment, conventional samplers)
project execution
Contact Us
Daimlerstrasse 17, 61449 Steinbach, Germany
+49(0)6171 91293 0
+49(0)6171 91293 29